Thursday Night Forums

On Thursday evening the Christian Storytelling Conference will host “Forty-Minute Forums.” Two forty-minute time slots with breakout sessions that are participative—providing fellowship and a chance to include some of the suggested activities from last year’s evaluations. Each participant can choose 1 or 2 of the following forum sessions.



F1 BibleTelling Seminar in Israel

hosted by Brian Thieme & Rog Schmidgall

Learn about BibleTelling Seminars in Israel–sharing 100 Bible stories on 45 locations where the stories occurred.

F2 Pass on Stories of Faith & Family

hosted by Mary Claire Anderson

Learn how to document and share stories of your family


F3 Story Swap

hosted by Phyllis Hostemeyer

In a relaxed atmosphere, share a story that you learned today at the conference or one you brought with you. This will not be for coaching or feedback. Invite guests to hear you if you’d like.  (Limit stories to 6 minutes)


Language Olympics

hosted by Jan Walsh

Learn about using Bible Stories as the basis for 1-on-1 ESL/ELL (English as Second Language/English Language Learning) tutoring or English literacy education. Jan developed the curriculum and has experience with churches hosting ESL/ELL tutoring for immigrants and others in their neighborhoods.



F5 BibleTelling Seminar in Israel

(Repeated Session)

hosted by Brian Thieme & Rog Schmidgall

Learn about BibleTelling Seminars in Israel–sharing 100 Bible stories on 45 locations where the stories occurred.

F6 Coaching Session

hosted by Mary Claire Anderson

Come prepared to share a story or section of a story in process (limit to 6 minutes). Through constructive feedback, explore the next steps of developing your story’s focus, structure, and technique.

F7 Story Swap

host Phyllis Hostmeyer

In a relaxed atmosphere, share a story that you learned today at the conference or one you brought with you. This will not be for coaching or feedback. Invite guests to hear you if you’d like.  (Limit stories to 6 minutes)


Hymn Sing

hosted by Mike and Betty Roe

Attend this sing-a-long session featuring some favorite hymns of the church.