Storytelling! A Tool for Discipleship
2019 Christian Storytelling Conference
Columbia, Missouri
June 27-29, 2019
The Christian Storytelling Conference is seeking workshop presenters – especially those who tell Bible stories and those who use storytelling and/or BibleTelling in their ministry. Workshops are offered in 90-minute sessions. Multiple sessions may be combined for workshops requiring more time.
You may propose as many workshops as you wish, but a separate proposal must be submitted for each workshop.
The form is at the bottom of this page. The form includes the following information for each proposal:
- Contact Information: Name, Address, Phone, Email
- Type of Session (workshop, panel discussion, coaching, showcase)
- Length of Session (90 minutes, 3 hours, 4.5 hours, 6 hours)
- Title of Session (maximum 70 characters including spaces)
- Description of Session (maximum 1000 characters) – This description will be published on the conference website and in the conference program. It may also be used in a brochure or other forms of advertising.
- Track Selection – Indicate which of the following Tracks you believe your session would benefit.
Storytelling Training: Learn and practice strategies to create and present stories. Appropriate for those wanting to develop their storytelling skills.
Educators: Learn and share Bible stories in small groups. Appropriate for teachers, parents, and other leaders interested in helping others learn Bible stories.
Crossing Cultures: Engage those of different cultures through telling Bible stories. Appropriate for missionaries, short-term trip participants, and anyone who wishes to share Christ through Bible stories.
Pastors and Youth Leaders: Use BibleTelling in your personal ministry and the ministries of your church. Appropriate for pastoral staff, elders, board members, para-church leaders, and Youth leaders.
Prison Ministries: [description needed – We want this track to have some workshops unique to Prison Ministry, but also some that the title and description indicate how the workshop would be practical for other ministries. In other words: We don’t want this to turn into an isolated track.]
Children’s Ministry: Engage children and families in learning the stories of the Bible. Appropriate for Sunday school teachers, parents, and others involved in ministry to children.
Newbies: This is not actually a track, but please indicate if you believe your session would be accessible to someone new to storytelling, BibleTelling, or the use of such in ministry. Appropriate for beginners.
- Biography (maximum 500 characters) – This description will be published on the conference website and in the conference program. It may also be used in a brochure or other forms of advertising.
- Photo (JPG preferred) – This photo will be published on the conference website. It may also be used in the conference program, a brochure, or other forms of advertising.
Notes for presenters:
- Presenters are expected to attend the conference rather than simply show up to present and then leave. That said, we know life sometimes intervenes, and we will try to be understanding if something arises at the last minute.
- There is no guaranteed compensation for presenters.
- Presenters will not be required to pay the conference registration fee. If there are multiple presenters for a session, only one conference fee will be waived.
- Presenters may offer materials (books, CDs, DVDs, etc.) for sale in the conference resources area.
Storytelling! Workshop Proposal Form
* = required field