A highlight of the annual Christian Storytelling Conference is a free, public Story Concert. We invite Conference participants to consider sharing a story at this year’s event, Friday evening, June 24. We envision a variety of stories that could be used in a ministry setting:
- Bible story in third person
- Bible story in first person
- Costumed Bible story
- Personal story of spiritual significance
- Historical story of spiritual significance
- Children’s story
- Audience participation story
- A story that includes music
- Humorous story
- Other?
In order to ensure balance in the program, we ask that you submit two possible stories that you could tell. Please submit your stories by June 10. We will let you know which stories were chosen soon after.
You may submit them in the following ways:
- a video or audio recording (any standard format is okay) sent to Mary Claire mcandersonpcs@yahoo.com
- via FaceTime, Zoom, etc. with some of the planning committee* (example: at BibleTelling monthly meeting)
- in person with some of the CSC planning committee present* (example: at a conference you are attending or leading)
* If you submit your stories live, please make sure someone times the story and writes a brief description of genre and content to send to Mary Claire.