Private Coaching

30-minute Individual Story Coaching with professional storytelling coach

Don Falkos






What is the purpose of a coaching session?

A coaching session is a time for you:

  • to work on a story
  • to develop your ‘style’ of story presentation
  • to discuss how to incorporate storytelling into your ministry
  • to address your storytelling needs


What happens a coaching session?

The time is yours to use as you wish. However, typically you would tell a story and receive feedback.

  • Be prepared to tell a story or part of a story (5-7 minutes is optimal, but any length is acceptable)
  • A shorter story means more time for feedback, questions, and adjustments.
  • We will look at the content, structure, and delivery of this particular story with an eye to improving your overall story development process and your telling of stories in general.


Who will be present for my coaching session?

I’ll be there. You’ll be there. No one else will be in the room unless you choose to invite someone.


All individual coaching sessions will be scheduled for Saturday morning, June 30. The fee for a session is $50. Contact Don directly to schedule your session. Don can be reached via email at either of the following addresses:



Don Falkos, one of the conference organizers, is offering four, 30-minute coaching sessions on Saturday morning, June 30. The cost is $50 for each session. See Don’s web site for background on his experience and skills. Please contact him in advance to book your session.